As a Leader in any Corporate Environment

As a leader in any corporate environment, establishing a morning routine can be a great way to start your day off on the right foot and set yourself up for success.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Start the night before. Do the dishes, make your coffee, and have your clothes ready for the next day. Doing this will save a ton of time and clear out the day before energy so you're ready to start fresh in the am.

2. Wake up at the same time each day - this helps your body to get into a rhythm and makes it easier to get up in the morning.

3. Take some time for yourself - try to spend a few minutes alone each morning to do something that makes you feel relaxed and refreshed. This could be meditating, journaling, or reading.

4, Make your bed - this simple task can help you to start your day with a sense of accomplishment.

5. Move your body- even if it’s just a few minutes of stretching or walking, getting your body moving can help to wake you up and energize you for the day.

6. Set an intention - take a few moments to think about what you would like to accomplish for the day and set an intention for how you would like to show up.

Play around a bit with what works for you. Take notice of how the rest of your day feels when you start your day off with a solid morning routine.

What's your non-negotiable morning routine ritual you put into practice?


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